Welcome to “The Bong”

Welcome to “The Bong”

Greetings fellow humans.

Welcome to the We Drip Blog. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I do not care for the word blog. Even searching “How to write a Blog” made me feel like I needed to take a shower. So, I didn't read it, and I will be referring to this as 'The Bong”. This is a bong post on The Bong.

So, first maybe some introductions?

I'm Andy! One of the owners and lead designers. My official title with the company is Creative Director. Did you know you can give yourself whatever title you want when you own a business? I was stuck between Grand Magician and Creative Director. Decided I would take Grand Magician when I retire, save that banger for later.

Yes, I retired from the company and became the Grand Magician of the Advisory Council.”


So, that's about it for me...I covered the magician thing...so yeah, let's talk about the business thing. So, my wife and I got really tired of making other people money. The only way I could see out was for us to start some sort of business and work for ourselves. We didn't have a lot of money to start a business, so our options were limited. Like a lot of people, drop shipping seemed like the best option for us.

We didn't want to be just another online t-shirt shop, but we weren't trying to reinvent the wheel either. Our plan is to start with drop shipping while crafting our own tie-dye products. We hope to be able to get more equipment so we can take on more and more of the process until we make everything we sell. Long scale we plan on launching a rolling paper and wrap company (a dream of mine).

So, that could be considered a road map, right? We got what looks like a plan, only thing left to do is give it a try. Right now, we are hard at work coming up with new designs, improving our skills, and learning as much as we can.

Why We Drip?

When brainstorming ideas for what we would call our business, the word “drip” came up. I was kind of sure of what it meant, I'm over 30, so not so hip anymore. I looked it up, just to be certain and found that the definition is more of a concept.

So, how we define Drip is:

The personality of style as seen by yourself and others.”

The personality in your style is this idea of how you choose to dress and present yourself is a way of expressing yourself as an individual.

As seen by yourself” is a nod to self-perception and is listed before others because it's more important to the concept. Your first priority with your Drip should be how it makes you feel.

And “others” is of course how other people interpret or define your Drip. This is basically feedback.

To put it simply, we see Drip as a way of showing the world who you are and what you are about.

What about Drippy Hippy?

Drippy Hippy is the name of our Tie-Dye operation. That department is handled by another owner of the company, my wife. It's almost like a "his & hers" style business. I get to do my thing with my designs and she gets to do hers. Best part is we often get to work together on projects and our individual styles blend well together.

So, what will future Bong posts contain?

More of my charming personality and refreshing humor is a guarantee. Not sure what else, I didn't read the how-to articles. But you can expect updates, opinions, reviews, did you knows, and maybe news from the industry. We will see where it goes.

That's enough for a first post!

Tl:dr – I'm Andy, this is a bong post on The Bong, according to us Drip is a thing, and it has something to do with how you dress. Stay tuned for more bong posts, and why not buy a shirt! Pretty please?

From all of us at We Drip,

We hope you have a Drippy Day!

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